K1 media is the industry standard biological filter media for use in the Kaldness moving bed filtration process
Kaldnes Moving Bed process, which has been scientifically tried and tested in fish farming and waste water treatment for over 10 years, is now available for fish keepers.
The media is engineered in a wheel shape and is slightly positively bouyant. This allows a small amount of water flow to circulate the media throughout the vessel. This flow is created with your air pump and air stones or diffuser etc.
How it works
Maturing the Kaldnes bio-media is important because a delicate eco-system is naturally developing for the bacteria involved in the nitrification process. Kaldnes media provides the maximum active surface area for the bacteria to colonise, more than other types of static media. It is this process which removes harmful ammonia and nitrite from the water.
How it is different to other media
As the Kaldnes media moves within the filter, it causes the old dead bacteria on the outside to be displaced. This makes space for new younger heavier feeding bacteria to rapidly colonise. Within the wheel is a protected surface which enables colonies of bacteria to naturally follow their lifecycle, of maturing, dying and then fueling the latter stages of the nitrification cycle. Kaldnes has been designed to provide the best possible habitat for both young and mature beneficial bacterial colonies.
What is meant by 'self cleaning'?
Unlike foam, matting, or other forms of static filtration media, the Kaldnes K1/K3 media is designed to move freely within your filter. The constant chaotic movement of the air from your pump, causes the media to self clean and thus requires no maintenance. This allows the filter to reach optimum effectiveness without the disturbance of periodic cleaning, avoiding unnecessary loss of bacteria within the filter. 50 Litres of K1 media will handle up to 250 grammes of food per day and for K3, 225 grammes of food per day. For retrofit of existing filters, K3 media is the most suitable due to its larger size and ease of control.
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